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Tips to Keep Hospitality Simple

This past Sunday I spoke about how hospitality is central to the Gospel, specifically towards strangers. Since we have a big emphasis on Green Tables, today I want to share some quick tips about how to keep hospitality simple especially as it relates to meals.

  • Have a few go-to-recipes. Pick a meal that you’re good at, that you enjoy, that you know you can prepare quickly, that your kids enjoy… something that works well for you.
  • Get the family involved. Make it a team effort to sweep, set the table, etc. so that it doesn’t all fall on one person.
  • Let people serve themselves. This saves you time putting food on plates, lets guests pick how much or what they would like to try, and helps keep the table lively as people interact more. Everyone wins!
  • Let your guests help. This might sound like a funny suggestion, but many people are happy to help make the time together easy on everyone by bringing part of the meal, helping prepare it together, or even clearing the table and doing dishes afterward. This can be great time bonding and naturally creates conversation as you interact. They may even introduce you to a new dish or skill you’ll want to add to your repertoire!
  • Remember your guests are there to see you. Don’t worry about being overly fancy or impressive, be yourself and get to know each other better. Prepare a meal that allows you to visit, not one that takes you away from your guests.

These tips have come from my own experience, though I’ve gained lots from the insights of others. (Here’s a good link to check out.) What tips would you share with others?