Our Purpose
Cornerstone Baptist Church exists to disciple people to live and love as Christ did.
About Membership
4 Benefits of Membership
- It provides a community of faith, hope and love.
- It gives you a place to discover and use your gifts in ministry.
- It places you under the spiritual protection of godly leaders.
- It gives you the accountability that you need to grow.
4 Requirements of Membership
- A personal profession of faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord.
- Baptism by immersion as a public symbol of your commitment to Christ
- Attending a Church Info Dinner.
- Sign / Abide by Cornerstone’s Membership Covenant.
Membership Covenant
Having received Christ as my Lord and Saviour and been baptized, and being in agreement with Cornerstone’s purpose, beliefs, and values, I now feel led by the Holy Spirit to unite with the Cornerstone Church family. In doing so, I commit myself to God and to the other Members to do the following:
I Will Protect the Unity of My Church
- By acting in love toward other Members
- By refusing to gossip
- By following the Leaders
I Will Share the Responsibility of My Church
- By Praying for its Growth
- By inviting the unchurched to attend
- By warmly welcoming those who visit
I Will Serve the Ministry of My Church
- By discovering my gifts and talents
- By being equipped to serve by my pastors
- By developing a servant’s heart
I Will Support the Testimony of My Church
- By attending faithfully
- By living a godly life
- By giving regularly